Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weather Denial in a Limousine

It had been a rough week for the VP, and getting out of the hospital and back to the hotel had not been any different. A huge storm rocked the route, the heater went out and the temperature dropped. His teeth were chattering as the driver announced that the awning was not long enough to handle the distance to the door, and as he said this the rain changed to sleet. Thunder and lightening accompanied this change, and the driver announced they would have to try the underground garage. Traffic was snarled around them, and the VP hoped that good news might appear on the screen in front of him.

The stock market had been off, his version of entitlements (bonuses) might take a beating. Although his medical bills were luckily covered by his former job, he had a lot of other bills due and still to come in. As they moved toward the garage entrance he felt deep chills going through him, and he cursed the fact that this very expensive, bullet proof vehicle couldn't even keep him warm. The paradox of having to stay in the vehicle longer and longer in order to avoid the adverse weather seemed counter productive to him. The man was used to having is way, and that wasn't the way it was now.

His mind wandered to the think tanks working on the alternatives to this so-called "global warming," it was about time they started working harder to dispel the superstitions circulating around climate change. The Kato Institute, what in the world were they up to? What about the efforts of the Coke brothers? & then there was all the environmental criticism around fracking, how could that be dealt with? Too many questions, not enough answers.

As the driver pulled to a stop the VP was glad to see that the hotel had dispatched someone to greet him properly in this unwelcoming garage, at last a sign of hope. The man opened the door and called him by name, welcomed him to the hotel and made his way through the door. The hall seemed like the length of a football field, a long way to the elevator, and there was still no warmth. Up they went, through and above the lobby to the suite that had been prepared for him. Even the TV was on to the stock reports, and finally some heat. The man put a bathrobe around his shoulders and announced that his computer connexion was secure and that he would soon have a drink and a dinner menu. The VP was finally alone and warm. Now he could take his medicine and relax.

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