Thursday, September 23, 2010


There are certain critical elements today which are not focused upon, and in my estimation need to be. The first definition in the dictionary I found of "extrapolation" is mathematical, I'm focused on the second: "To infer or estimate (unknown information) by extending or projecting known information."* I can't remember whether my Father actually used the word or not, but in teaching me to work it was a basic template to learn from the present task and apply that learning (if appropriate) to another. Otherwise I/we would be "re-inventing the wheel," wasting everyone's time, and just plain being stupid.

I don't mean to limit the use of this powerful word/concept to work, but that is where I know it first and foremost; and I remember my Father giving me a cuff on the ear for having missed an obviously extrapolation in a work process. I had accomplished such and such a job earlier on, here was a job that was obviously parallel in processes to get done. Why on earth was I asking for instructions, reinvent the wheel here, I don't think so (?). Years ago I tried to describe the implications of not finishing a job to a teenager, thus the importance of a completed piece of work, not only in terms of personal satisfaction, but of client or boss satisfaction as well. Didn't work, he had not been taught about extrapolation and couldn't make what to me were obvious connexions on his own. From then on I let him work things out for himself. In other words, I gave up on him, which was a mistake.

Now, let's go away from work for a moment, and talk about "diplomacy" or political actions. It seems to me that from Ronald Reagan on (through both Bush I, Bill Clinton & Bush/Cheney) there has been a blindness to the importance of extrapolation, not only in politics & diplomacy, but in terms of the practical implications of our so-called capitalist/imperialist stance in the world. Carter may not have been much better, but it seems he took more risks in extrapolation than other presidents/ administrations. I think the results of Obama and his people are still out, a mixed bag of rhetoric, and questionable results, Eg. Wall Street and the Banks ... especially in terms of our post petroleum/post financial crisis (& within both, of course, worlds).

* "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; New College Edition"

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